Project62 Mary Street & Triplets, Brisbane

111 George Street, 33 Charlotte Street and Education House (54 Mary Street) Brisbane collectively form the Triplets Precinct. With the recently purchased adjoining property at 62 Mary Street, the long-term vision for the precinct is to provide an active and vibrant office environment.
TSA Riley will provide project management services for the initial appointment in relation to the base building and base building services upgrade at 54 Mary Street. The upgrade will allow for the building population to be increased from a 1/15m2 to 1/8m2 ratio. The upgrade of the base building services will see the inclusion of ambitious sustainable energy targets and increased NABERS rating.
TSA Riley is also providing project management services for the initial appointment in relation to the new commercial office building at 62 Mary Street, Education House base building upgrade and the creation of a 10,000m2 retail laneway linking Mary and Charlotte Streets. This includes the masterplan review, market lead proposal facilitation, value management of budget, design review, development approval facilitation, consultant procurement and management and contractor procurement.
When complete the precinct will provide over 200,000m2 of net lettable area (NLA) office accommodation for the Queensland State Government.