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ProjectCanberra Light Rail

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Transport Canberra


Canberra, ACT, Australia

Canberra Light Rail

Canberra’s light rail project aims to encourage Canberrans to use public transport and reduce congestion on the capital’s road network.

TSA Riley was appointed by Transport Canberra as the Commercial Manager for the project. Our role involved overseeing the public-private partnership (PPP) from February 2016 until May 2018.

The Project Director for stage 1 and stage 2 joined TSA Riley in 2018. They continued to provide commercial and technical advice for stage 1 and remained engaged until the opening in 2019.

The project was delivered through a PPP via a consortium with design and construction via a joint venture. Spanish firm CAF supplied the 14 trams and Germany’s Deutsche Bahn is a subcontractor to the operator, John Holland and UGL.

Construction on stage 1, a 12km route from the City to Gunghalin, commenced mid-2016 and opened April 2019.