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InsightScaling virtual healthcare to help solve our capacity crisis

Scaling virtual healthcare to help solve our capacity crisis

The health sector is facing a growing gap between demand and capacity. In mid-2023 TSA led a cross-industry, international study tour to examine how Australia and New Zealand could learn from virtual care leaders around the world.

The study looked at 24 programs across 6 countries, with the aim of understanding how we can rapidly scale the virtual care work currently underway in our part of the world. The team – brought together from across the health, architecture and technology sectors – has now released its findings in the paper ‘Care is Care’.

The paper spotlights 5 key findings that would help Australia and New Zealand build on the work currently underway, and scale it into national and interconnected systems. This would allow Australia and New Zealand’s health sectors to move toward a sustainable future. This is a future where a more resilient workforce, with a lighter physical footprint, can serve growing demand, and where patients can equitably access high-quality and timely care.

Read the Care is Care paper now.


Watch the summary video